kith: noun

familiar friends, acquaintances, neighbours or relatives
I Want To Connect....

Carron Kith is a Community Friendship Group for people in Central Scotland. It connects people with shared memories and experiences

I Want To Learn More....

Why not subscribe to our regular newsletter to find out more, get some recipes and ‘wee stories’

I Want To Get Involved....

Carron Kith welcomes everyone and helps local people feel involved. Click on the link below to find out about our events


Upcoming Events

Carron Kith - Music Events
Lesley Aitkenhead


Sat 25 Jan 2025
(Thornhill Community Centre)

Our love of music and movies is what started this Group off. The Group meet at 1pm on the last Saturday of the Month at Thornhill Community Centre in Falkirk for Lunch and some Live Music!

We continue to share our love of music and movies every month with Live Music.  The range of music is very broad from musicals, to more modern songs.  Please get in touch for more detail.

Carron Kith - Zoom Groups
Lesley Aitkenhead


On Hold

Many of our members enjoy a regular catch up on Zoom. This is a quick 40 min check in to see how we are all doing. Our Group usually meets on every Thursday afternoon at 4pm. Please contact us for more information.

Online meetings are not the best option for many people who are feeling lonely or isolated, but it is a chance to stay in touch, even if that is just through a screen. It does require you to have access to a phone, tablet or PC with a camera and microphone, but there is always help on hand for anyone new to the Group and we are happy to help you get set up.

The Group use this time to share news, videos clips or complete an online quiz.

Carron Kith - Craft Events
Muriel Harvey


To be announced
(Thornhill Court Lounge)

Our members are a very creative group and love spending time together. We started a new craft Group that aims to spend time together learning new crafts, including scrapbooking and creating musical memories. Please get in touch to share ideas about crafts we could learn together.

Obviously, COVID restrictions has limited our ability to meet face to face, but we have continued to share our crafts online, with knitting for The Big Knit, tapestry work and some much needed baking.

How Are You Feeling Today?

Everyone has days when we don’t feel ourselves or our loved ones are feeling lost of overwhelmed. Click on the buttons below to tell us how you are feeling and find out how we can help you stay connected


Let's get you involved

Fancy a wordsearch?  Or leaving a comment on one of our recent blogs or newsletters?  Why not take a look at what others are saying and maybe even join in the conversation.  

There’s lot’s to get involved with in our interactive sections….

People and Places

Sharing Memories

Play Video

Sharing memories or places and people helps us connect to our community. Central Scotland has a rich history of creative design, engineering and manufacturing, which is still visible today. Scots have led the way in innovations – from Iron Works to Irn Bru, Canals to Shipping Magnates and innovative approaches to Health & Social Care. Please join us and share your pictures or stories of family life, work and play

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