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Carron Kith has is in the next round of Falkirk Community Choices – Small Grants Fund and Voting is Open

Falkirk has a strong connection to the past and understands the importance of staying connected to build a better future. This project is aimed at supporting our older adults, enabling them to feel valued and involved by offering activities that meet their changing needs.

Carron Kith is a Community Group that was established in 2016 and continues to grow. This project will build on the success of previous grants and continue to build a community of older adults who provide peer support across all areas of Falkirk. Carron Kith is run by volunteers who work with a local retirement home to create a safe and accessible space.

This project will focus on capturing memories, using recording equipment and technology to capture stories of the past experiences: walking in the Bluebell Woods, working in the Brick Factory. The stories will be made available through our website, local community groups, and schools.

Click on the attached link to Vote Now!!



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