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I am always surprised by how generous and kind our members are, regularly donating time and money to help our Community Group keep going.

One of our long standing members, James, his daughter and granddaughter kindly donated a huge mountain of selection boxes for our members to enjoy at Christmas. As we never managed to meet at Christmas time, we were able to enjoy them at our recent Movie Event in January, as a special treat.

It is never too late to enjoy a selection box, especially one so carefully wrapped….I am just surprised they managed to last, with Millie and Scott on the prowl…😍

As Blanche Dubois once said..” I am always depended on the kindness of strangers…”

Our members at Carron Kith may join our Group as strangers, but soon become friends and neighbours!

Thank you for your continued support.



5 Responses

  1. Good old Santa! He looked after the parcels well.🎅
    Thank you James and family for your thoughtfulness and kindness.🥳

  2. The selection boxes were such a treat. A very big thank you to James and his family. We had a great time at the movie event and are looking forward to the next one.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it Aileen. It was lovely to see you and your Mum up and about, and a great choice of Movie.

  3. Today’s movie was great and it was such a treat having pick and mix , popcorn and icecream during the film. It was the real, going to the movies, experience. Really looking forward to seeing everyone next month. I wonder what the film will be.

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